




Day 1: 11.00 am - 12.00 pm

Day 2: 11.00 am - 12.00 pm

Studio 5

Objective: To create a simple bird-puppet and to participate in the performance.

Skills: Folding and gluing skills, BUT parents must be involved. No unsupervised children.

Target Audience: Families

In the puppet-making workshop, participants will be given material and instructions to create a bird. There will be colour pastels and colour pencils to colour these birds.

Workshop participants need to scan a QRCode to watch a video tutorial on their devices. Families are facilitated to be involved, and parents who want their phones within reach will need to assist and monitor their own young ones.

There WILL be facilitators there to manage crowd flow, help explain, distribute material and offer assistance, etc. To make things safe and simpler, no sharp tools will be used. Not even scissors.

About the Artiste / Group

KL Shakespeare Players is undertaking this performance in collaboration with SIAPA Theatre, and artist-sculptor, William Koong. KLSP was formed in 2011 and to date has staged more than 30 productions. SIAPA focuses more on performances with puppets, allowing both to collaborate and tapping on our various strengths. William is a full-time artist-sculptor.

KLSP’s productions in 2022 include ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, ‘Macbeth’ (both play and storytelling), and 4 online productions performed a total of 16 time to public primary schools. These were folk tales from around the world, following its storytelling of ‘Sang Kancil’ tales in 2021. Most recently KLSP traveled to Milan, Italy to perform its reimagined ‘King Lear’.


English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin / Other dialects e.g. Cantonese, Hokkien

Recommended Age

Open to all if supervised by a parent. Teenagers and older can be unsupervised by a parent.