


Day 1: 11.00 am - 8.00 pm

Day 2: 11.00 am - 8.00 pm

Front Lawn

Learn the art of creating grass wreaths in this eco-friendly weaving workshop. Create lasting memories and contribute to a sustainable future. Let’s embrace the beauty of nature together.

Workshop Highlights:
* Learn Eco Weaving: Our flawer instructors will teach you how to weave grass wreaths using sustainable materials. Create unique and environmentally-friendly crafts for your
* Connect with Nature: Experience the tranquility of nature as you weave. Take a break from your busy routine and find solace in the natural surroundings.
* Cherish Memories: Reflect on your own memories while weaving and appreciate the importance of preserving them. Your wreath will be a tangible symbol of these cherished moments.
* Bring Your Creation Home: Proudly take your personally crafted grass wreath home as a reminder of your commitment to sustainability. Display it as a symbol of the workshop’s teachings and the beauty of nature.

Limited spots available!

Let’s weave memories together and embrace a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle.

About the Artiste / Group

Flawer helped us find in flaws. We are now 變態美 embracing turning tides and times of struggle and still as beautiful as ever. In all the stories the flowers told us, we have found sense and solace in watching them maintain their beauty from the time they were fresh, to when their bones creak and leaves crunch, desirable even with age. Besides practicing the martial art of floral arrangements, they believe in consistently pushing the limits of how the beauty of flowers can be preserved and appreciated in the constant flow of time.