


Day 2: 5.30 pm - 6.00 pm

Deck 1

ARAGANG: Nunuk means fig tree, while Ragang (Aragang) means red. According to Dusun beliefs, Nunuk Ragang is a sacred place and the birthplace of their ancestors in Sabah. Its large and red shape has further highlighted the prowess and existence of the tree. This dance is an abstract impression of the Dusun beliefs and the Nunuk Ragang.

THE CHOICE: The Choice touches upon the topic of women empowerment and revolves around the theme of women’s independence in achieving success in life. Life is like unraveling a multiple-choice question. Family or career; no matter what choice a woman makes, it will never be perfect. The Choice is inspired by the daily life gestures, movements, and household objects to find women’s choices in life.

Only on 20 Aug.

About the Artiste / Group

UMa Dance was established in 2007 to enable its dance students to showcase contemporary works featuring challenging choreography. Although a young company, it has been gaining repute nationwide and has performed in various showcases around Southeast Asia.




Choreographer: Mohamad Adlan Bin Sairin
Dancers: Adrian Wong Chee Loong, Tan Qiao Ee, Muhammad Azamuddin Hajijul, Nur Syazwana Binti Halimi & Jacelyn Tan Zi Xin

The Choice:
Choreographer: Fione Chia Yan Wei
Dancers: Lay Sher Zhen, Len Xin Yuan, Nadia Hazirah Binti Nazren, Prishavardhani Nair & Vinitha Balrama

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