


It’s Our Danzania

Day 1: 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm

Day 2: 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm

Deck 1

Introducing to you Dance Arena’s very own dance culture that was born and evolved over the years. Since Malaysia is known for its multi-racial country, Dance Arena have different kinds of dance styles. They will be showcasing some of the well-known dance styles that show Malaysia’s identity and uniqueness through their dance piece.

The piece consists of Malay traditional dance called Tarian Joget & Tarian Zapin, Chinese traditional dance called Tarian Kipas and Indian traditional dance called Bharatanatyam. Get ready to witness the beauty and diversity of our very own culture through dance form.

Followed by Malaysia’s Hip Hop Culture. ‘Hip Hop’ originated in the United States of America and has wide influence around the world including Malaysia. In Malaysia, we have hip hop in 3 different versions which are Malay, Chinese and Indian hip hop. You will be witnessing rap verse in 3 languages alongside hip hop dance performance.

All of these dance styles will be performed as one performance. Witness how it feels like when all comes together and that’s the future of Malaysia’s art scene. Whole new experience awaits you indeed.

Choreographed by Agnesmary and Syarvin, curated specially for YSDAF 2023.

About the Artiste / Group

Dance Arena consists of dancers who are competent in street dance, Malaysian traditional dance and Indian classical dance. They have performed in Indian & Bollywood wedding, concerts, cultural events and hip hop competitions.


English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin / Other dialects e.g. Cantonese, Hokkien, Tamil


Choreographer: Syarvin & Agnesmary
Dancers: Dhanika, Durgga. Hematarshini, Jivishna, Kaneesha, Kumutha, Lakkshana, Mretulla, Saanjanaa, Semeithi, Tejasvi, Syarvin and a selection of street dancers

The slots for this event are fully filled or the event has already passed.