
Day 1: 11.00 am - 12.00 pm
Day 2: 11.00 am - 12.00 pm
Studio 9
Inspired by Dalija Acin Thelander’s form of baby theatre, “Journey Of A Baby Butterfly” was first staged in 2018 at Play Haus produced by HongJieJie Worksation and was invited to the Georgetown Festival 2019. It was the very first baby theatre in Malaysia.
The performance contains four scenes or seasons to represent four stages of butterfly life cycle. The show begins with performers as a little baby crawling out to see the world. They see, they touch, they searching for food and even looking for friends to play with. And they change, the amazing metamorphosis! How would they feel? Will they curious? Scare? Or exciting? In the same time our little audience may experience the same thing. They allowed to move together, touch or interact with the performer to explore their senses and emotions.
Your babies may sometimes be inspired to engage with the performers, moving, rolling, or play with the little things they found in the performance space. As parents or guardians, you can some times give them the freedom to explore their immediate surrounding area.
Comforting, feeding and changing is allowed throughout the show. It is always to your babies needs first and priority. The capacity is limited to 10 babies, including parents.
Suitable for 1 month old to 3 years old.
Recommended Age
1 month to 3 years old
Artistic & Production Team Presenters: Insight Visuals
Producer: Danny Hoo
导演 Director: 丘雨锦 Kimmy Kiew
编舞Choreographer: 林保旭 Leng Poh Gee
演员 Cast: Nicholas Low, Len Xin Yuan
灯光设计 Lighting Designer & Operator: 黄伟福 Wei Hock N
布景/道具/服装设计 Costume/Props/Set Designer: 丘雨锦 Kimmy Kiew
音效设计 Music Design: 李月依 Lee Yueh Yi
舞台监督 Stage Manager: Selina Yong Hai Wen
录影投射设计 Visual Design: 黄江龙 Dazmon Wong