Festival Highlight





Day 1: 11.00 am - 11.45 am, 12.00 pm - 12.45 pm, 1.00 pm - 1.45 pm

Day 2: 11.00 am - 11.45 am, 12.00 pm - 12.45 pm, 1.00 pm - 1.45 pm

Pentas 1 Foyer

Directed by Ling Goh, this traditional Chinese opera performed in the Teochew dialect features Lai Yun Huan & Jackfri Wang.

“Mu Guiying Gets Married” is a story of General Yang’s “Breaking the Sky”. It tells the story of Yang Zongbao going to Mu Ke Village to steal a treasure named ” Dragon Wood.” He gets captured by Mu Guiying, however she starts to admire his good looks and intends to marry him.

After the showcase performance, there will be a photo and Q&A session where audiences are welcomed to ask any questions they have. This will be followed by a short talk that serves to introduce Teochew opera, its costumes, performance elements and more.

Apart from that, the public can try on the costumes and make-up from 12.00pm – 2.00pm.

About the Artiste / Group

First Teochew opera, puppet show museum and performance space in Malaysia!


一名封了箱的潮剧演绎家,一堆封尘的绚丽戏服与道具,一箱箱写着岁月的潮州木偶,一份对潮人文化的执着和热忱。 。 。 在马来西亚著名文化遗产保护及中华文化的热衷推手- 林玉裳女士的牵针引线下,她和慕韩别墅合作开创了潮州戏曲文化艺术空间–《潮艺馆》,延续了她与〈金玉楼春木偶剧团〉的传奇故事。她出身潮剧世家,外婆杨清音女士曾是50年代南洋潮剧名伶,母亲杜爱花女士更是“老荣秀春班”出色的女乐师。自幼受戏曲的熏陶下,她不仅承接父母的衣钵,成为木偶剧团的掌柜人,更是创办了〈金玉楼春潮剧团〉。她,就是大马潮州戏曲达人– 吴慧玲。 《潮艺馆》将带您走进大马潮州戏曲的历史空间,让您一览珍藏的手抄剧本和铁枝木偶;带领您游览戏棚后台那神秘的角落,让您体验戏班忙碌的运作;让您为这些木偶人注入新生命, 延续潮艺文化。



Recommended Age

3 – 6 years old, 7 – 12 years old, 13 – 18 years old, 18 and above


Director: Ling Goh
Cast: Lai Yun Huan (Mu GuiYing), Jackfri Wang (Yang ZongBao)