


Day 1: 2.30 pm - 3.00 pm

Day 2: 2.30 pm - 3.00 pm

Deck 1

Don’t miss Lee Wushu Arts Theatre’s unique presentation of Wushu, a Chinese arts form, as a spellbinding performance that includes dance and theatrical elements that display both the grace and strength of martial arts.


(1) 武者的拳脚就像松树屹立不倒, 侠客的精神因坚强而传承至今, 一动一静为家国创造繁华盛世, 永恒不变坚守多少人的英雄梦。

(2) 竹镜(独武) “剑” 宛若竹子立根破岩,宁折不屈真君子,必经万日锤炼,铸成恒古不变的侠气。

About the Artiste / Group

Lee Wushu Arts Theatre was founded in 1998 to develop Wushu (a Chinese martial arts) as an art form. They are heavily involved in Wushu education and outreach programmes for the young generation to create greater awareness in the world of Wushu.

With a fusion of martial arts and dance that is poetry on stage, Lee Wushu has performed for spellbound audiences in UK, Belgium, China, Germany, India, Monaco, Singapore – to name a few. Their critically-acclaimed martial dance includes The King’s Sword, Farewell My Concubine – The Movement of the Martyr, A Decade’s Sword. With simple and abstract elements, their performances depict the spirit from within, emphasising both grace and strength of “martial dance”.


Artistic Director: Lee Swee Seng
Crew: Jois
Performers: Lee Wushu Arts Theatre

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