‘Collecting Memories’: Eco weaving workshop (weaving a grass wreath)
Bansan: Discovering Local Market Culture
Borneo Jungle Diaries
Borneo Ocean Diaries
DIY Self Watering System
Layar Liar (Animal, Places, People)
MalaysiaKu Digital Exhibition
Pitch Start: Beyond Moving with Artisans
Plastic Fusing Workshop: Make Your Own Products From Thrownaway Soft
Precious Plastic Workshop
Spoon Carving Workshop
Teepee Painting & Recycled Seashell Vase
The Art of Tea: Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow
The Good Oil: Soap-Making Workshop
Timeline (Rhythm and Reflection)
Travel Through Time
Walking Each Other Home
Whales On-The-Wheels Mobile Marine Education Nationwide Tour
Year 1 Interior Architecture Exhibition: Reimagining klpac